Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy First Birthday Bugs!

Wow. I can't believe a year has gone by. And I thought the whole "the first year goes by so fast" was just a cliche. Especially in those early months where I longed for her to get bigger and grow (and sleep). Now I'm sad. My baby isn't a baby any longer. She's bordering on Toddlerhood. She's so busy exerting her new found independance that sitting on my lap each evening and reading a bedtime story is too restricting. I just keep hoping that that time will come around again.

I'm amazed by how much love I have for this little girl. Another so I thought cliche. But the amount of love I have for her is just overwhelming. I truly loved her the moment I saw her. Little flat head and all!

So, tonight will be a quiet birthday celebration. It's bath night and a school night. I packed her favorite breakfast and lunch today and will make her another favorite, grilled cheese tonight. We all deserve special treats on our birthday. Her big family birthday will be this Saturday. All three sets of grandparents, along with the 2 great-grandma's will gather to celebrate the best thing in our lives.

Happy Birthday Bugs! I love you with all my heart!

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