Wednesday, November 19, 2008

No Walkie Mommy

We have a contented cruiser in our house. We'll walk around and around the coffee table, from end to end on the couch and even take the wee minor step from the coffee table to the couch. Beyond that, nothing! My daughter will even stand on her own and when coaxed to take the one little step towards you, down she goes. Right on her bottom. Give her the push cart or anything on wheels, and she'll zip around the house like a devil. Seriously...get out of her way or get run over.

The "experts" say that most children start to toddle around the 13th month. I'm hoping so, because I think she will be so much happier with this freedom. And the knees on her pants will be happier too, they are the only dirty spot on her! I'll be happy because it will be less carrying around this 23 pound ball of fun. Such a monumental achievement in her life. I can't believe we're already at this really seems like just yesterday I was cheering her on to holding her head up, sitting up, clapping, crawling. I'm feeling old!

Just yesterday I was thinking about where I was a year ago, home on maternity leave with this little bundle that wouldn't sleep. Sometimes I yearn for that baby, all those adventures again. Then I think about how tired I was and how I feel like now I'm just catching up on my sleep and my life again and would I want to go through it all over? And I had concerns and worries the last time I was pregnant due to my "advanced age" and the possibilities it brings with it. I was blessed with a healthy, smart, beautiful little girl who is the light of my life and who knows what another round could bring. I truly worry about it, even though I know we would get through it and love that child just as much. But who wants to even for a second have to think about making a decision on a child's life?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the day when I can send all the grandparents a video of Bugs doing her wobbly walk!

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